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  • reneebeuningen


Updated: Jun 17, 2022

"Up in the clouds" Photo 1: One of the elements of art is space. There is a lot of negative space on the right side. The clouds fill up the left side and that creates a big contrast which I really like. Also value is a big element in the clouds itself and the plane. The shadow creates a darker part in the cloud which also gives a contrast between the white part of the cloud and the darker parts. Unity is a big principle of design in this picture because everything goes together. The plane in the sky with clouds who are also known for being in the sky. Proportion is the other principle of design, the plane looks very small against the big white clouds. The rule of thirds (or the element line) is the last element that is really visible in this picture. The plane is right on the point where the two lines from right to left and up to down cross, which makes the picture interesting to look at.

"Mellow moments" Photo 2: The first element is colour. There is a really big contrast between the light blue background colour and the black palm trees which creates an interesting effect. Movement is a big element too because you can tell which way the wind was blowing because the leafs of the palm trees are bend to the right. Line is another element because the palm tree goes up straight, if you follow the tribe of the palm tree on the bottom, you get drawn into the middle of the picture. The one palm tree on the right being cut off gives the picture some variety, it is not the same palm tree and it is not in the same place as the bottom palm tree.

"Ocean eyes" Photo 3: In my opinion, texture is the biggest element of art in this picture. You can clearly see the whiskers and the fur. It is really detailed and that gives the picture a great and interesting look. Colour is another big element. The eyes of my cat are so bright blue that you almost immediately look at the eyes and after that you look at the rest of the picture. I also really like the different colours in the fur, value is a good element for that. There are shadows in the fur, different colours going over in other colours and white parts in the cats fur.

"Wanderlust" Photo 4: Line is a big element in this picture. There is an obvious line in the middle, there is space between the two big mountains and the little boat in the middle creates a straight vertical line. Also the shade in the water creates a bigger line towards the middle. There is the element value that you can clearly see in the water, the shade of the water goes from dark to light. The colour theme in this picture is manly the shade blue. I think balance is a good principle too, there is a pretty good balance between the mountains in the fore ground and the mountains in the background and the movement of the lake.

"Fasten" Photo 5: There is a really obvious element in this picture; pattern. The two chains have the same pattern, that also creates unity. There is a balance in this picture, the chains are the same but twisted, it is not bothering me when I look at the picture and that is why I think this picture is really balanced. There is also a contrast between the foreground and the background. The foreground is very focussed, you can see the texture and the highlights of the light on the metal. The background is blurry, you can still see the outlines of the chain but in is not really detailed. The background looks like the shadow of the chain in the foreground. There is also value in this picture because of the highlights of the light that was shining on the chain.

"Glimmer" Photo 6:Texture, shape, value, contrast and space are the biggest elements and principles in this picture. You can clearly see the texture of the metal fabric, it has lots of lines and creases in it. There is where value plays a big role, you can see that some parts on the object are darker or lighter than other parts, that is because of how the light was used in this picture. The shape is round and that brings out a big contrast between round shapes and the square picture. Contrast is between the shiny gold colour and the dark black background, it makes the gold really pop out of the picture. Space is the last element. I used that because there is a lot of black space on one side. I used the black space to make the picture more interesting to look at.

"Desire" Photo 7: This is a really interesting picture. Te elements that are very obvious are colours, contrast and emphasis. The two colours are the opposite on the colour wheel, the pink is a warm colour and the blue is the colder colour. There is a contrast between the two colours but also between the two colours and the black background. The black background makes the colours even brighter and creates an even bigger contrast between the warm pink colour and the cooler blue colour. Emphasis is an element in this picture because the two umbrella handles are the same, but the colour and their position is different, so the handles are not the same but belong in the same category.

"Inhabitant sculpture" Photo 8: This picture is one of my favourites. I took this picture in Burnaby while I was walking around. The elements in this picture are pattern, line and unity. Pattern because the building is the same all the way up. Line is one of the biggest elements in this picture. There is a clear line all the way up from the bottom to the top. There are also lines in the shadow of the different levels of the building, what also brings the element value into this picture, and the building is shaped in a square, what brings the element shape into this picture, and because the building is shaped like a square, there are another four clear lines that lead to the top. Unity is the last one because I think that everything in this picture belongs together. The scratchy texture on the first level of the building to the top with the blue sky, with all the levels of the building in between it, it all makes sense.

"Lost in the desert" Photo 9: The elements that are obvious in this picture are colour, value and texture. The colour is orange, it is really bright and deep. The orange in this picture is a really warm colour, it reminds me of the sunset in the summer. There are different shades of orange in this picture and that is what makes the picture interesting. That is also why value is an element in this picture. Because of the different shades of orange, there are shadows with the darker shades and highlights with the lighter shades. The foreground of the picture is pretty highlighted while the background is more shaded and a darker orange. You can clearly see the texture of the fabric in this picture. It makes the photo interesting to look at and more detailed.

"Endless" Photo 10: I took this picture of my friend when we went for a walk. I adore this photo because it reminds me of the fun times with her. The elements that are really obvious in this picture are colour, contrast, space and line. Colour is a really big element in this picture because there is a big contrast between the bright red colour and the green and yellow colours on the background. The red, green and yellow colour are all warm colours but there is still a contrast between them which I like, it makes the picture interesting. I chose space as an other element because there is lots of space around her, and that makes her the point where you first look at when you see the picture. There is also where the element line comes up, because she is in the middle of the picture which divides the picture in half and gives it lots of negative space.

"Nurtured by nature" Photo 11: The colours in this picture are absolutely beautiful. The element colour, is once again, a big element in this picture. The photo has lots of details. I love the contrast between the colours of the bee and the colours of the flower, it makes the bee more obvious. There is lots of positive space in this picture because I decided to crop the sides of the pictures to put the focus on the bee. Unity is also an element in this picture because bees feed themselves from flowers, so they belong together. There is lots of value in the flower too, there are darker and lighter shades of purple in the flower and that gives the picture some dimension.

"Thalassophile" Photo 12: The bright colour blue is a great element in this picture. It gives a little bit of contrast with the dark pink of the jellyfish. Also the difference between the dark pink (shadow) and the lighter pink (highlights) is really pretty. The rule of thirds is obvious in this picture because the jellyfish is on one side of the picture, not really in the middle. I love the movement of the jellyfish and I think that makes the picture more interesting.

"Complementary" Photo 13: I love the contrast between the teal and the rusty red. It creates an old and worn look. I love the shadows and the lighter parts in this picture, it divides the picture. The picture is very detailed and you can see the paint coming off, that gives a lot of texture.

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